Archive for the ‘Meetings & Conversation’ Category

Linsey Plant, Mark Kennedy and Donna Sutherland conducted their first board meeting for Renew Townsville last night at the Brewery in Flinders Street.

We look forward to this venue being our spiritual home over the coming months as we develop a strategy for implementaing the Renew Newcastle idealogy here in Townsville. Obviously there are some differences between the two locations, however as Marcus Westbury pointed out on his recent visit, there are also many inherent similarities.

The establishment of the board and progress towards incorporating as a not-for-profit organisation were discussed in detail as well as the possibility of TSV Council assisting the project with funding towards public liability insurance which is critical for the project to proceed.

If board meetings are of interest you we have attached our inaugural minutes to our first meeting. Many thanks to Linsey for compiling these for us!

Download : Meeting Notes 19 May

The 2nd Communications group meeting on Saturday was great (Thanks Mitch and Elly for hosting)

The website is progressing well and we’ve established what needs to be finalised or added before we direct people there as a central point of reference for all enquiries.

We will issue a call out for submissions this month for those who may like to utilise one of the spaces (when they become available) and we’re also planning a workshop/ networking evening for those interested in taking a space to discuss ideas…

We’re all volunteers with our own commitments but we’re making progress so thanks for your patience and watch this space!

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The 1st meeting of the communications group

Mitch Goodwin (JCU Creative Arts- co-ordinator)

Heidi Hatherell (Crystal Clear PR)

Aaron Ashley (Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts)

Kim Baker (Boheme Beauty)

was very productive yesterday. Everyone left with actions to help get the website up and running with information which aims to answer the questions you have about the project and communicate progress as it happens.

Things are starting to come together to get this project up and running… Just had a catch up with a good group of people (Donna, Sabine Carter, Sandy from EcoSavvy, Mitch from JCU, Lisa Vincent, Heidi Hatherall from Crystal Clear PR) to talk about how this organisation should be put together… the consensus was: run it like “renew newcastle’ and it will be great…

The Renew Townsville Public was held on Monday 12 April 2010 at the Old Court Theatre between 6.30 and 9.30.

At the forum the public was inspired by Marcus Westbury and his success with the Renew Newcastle project…a working model of urban revitalisation.

A captive audience heard what Renew Newcastle was about, how it was done, and where they were 18months on.

Marcus Westbury addresses the Townsville community

Marcus discusses the Renew Newcastle project